

Pautan Pembelajaran

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Pautan Roket H2O


Vertical, Horizontal Systems http://hometown.aol.com/powerdeployment&Passive

Dave Johnson Air Flap http://dogrocket.home.mindspring.com/WaterRockets/

Gary Ensmenger - Balloon http://www.h2orocket.com/topic/balloon/balloon.html

Nerds Recovery Systems http://tc.unl.edu/rbonnstetter/rockets/recovery.html

Paul Grosse http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pagrosse/h2orrecsys1.htm

Ulrich Hornstein http://home.t-online.de/home/u.hornstein/wr.htm

Aaron Allen - VDEN http://hometown.aol.com/a1allen/Aaronswaterrockets.html

Division C Backslider Recovery:

Robert Youens http://hometown.aol.com/powerdeployment

Always Brothers http://members.aol.com/petealway/srrg.htm

Ulrich Hornstein http://u.hornstein.bei.t-online.de/wr_backglide.htm

Links Site & Invaluable Sources For Information:

*Clifford Heath* (recommended) http://homes.managesoft.com.au/~cjh/rockets/links.html

A Good Science Olympiad Site http://www.scioly.org/eventpages/event.html


SO Nationals Launcher Last 2 Yrs: http://hometown.aol.com/waterrocketguy/solauncher.html

Simulator (Used to optimize variables)

Clifford Heath http://homes.managesoft.com.au/~cjh/rockets/simulation/

Great Book On Model Rocketry:

Model Rocketry by Timothy S. Van Milligan, available at hobby stores

Peter Grosse's Water Rocket Site:

Gary Ensmenger's Water Rocket Site:

Jim Gallant's Water Rocket Site:

4-H Club activity sponsored by Ohio State University:

Leeds University Water Rocket Page:

Mike Passerotti's Rocket Pop! Site:

Water Rocket Car:


Adept Rocketry - A company in the US that sells electronics for rocketry; their A1 altimeter is commonly used in water rocketry
Air Command - In Australia, well documented launches with some great underwater launches and a parallel staging system
Alain Juge
ALTI2 Altimeter - From Roman Vojtech in Prague, this site sells a recording altimeter for a low price
Antigravity Research - Used carbon-reinforced bottles to reach 1242 feet in 2003. Antigravity Research is also a company that produces and sells water rocket kits, including two-stage rockets
Bernard Willaert
Bert Simons
Brad Calvert
Bristol Water Rockets (Jon Mehlferber) - Home of the Bristol Sport Cap Release. Lots of good links and other ideas to try, e.g. FTC rockets, tube fins, simple parachute recovery, etc. Also host of the International Water Rocket Competition.
Clifford Heath - One of the original water rocketeers; he originally hosted the water rocket mailing list when it was first created. His site has a very useful online simulator and the best links page out there.
ConeCalc - Calculates the flat pattern dimensions of sheet metal cones.
Dean Wheeler - Where they take their water rocket science seriously. Has some interesting high speed launch videos as well as some nice pages about launching pumpkins! Also has a simulator and several interesting launchers, as well as onboard videos.
Fin Flutter
Gary Brown
Ian Clark - Designer of the cable-tie launcher.
Internal Grip Launcher - A new, interesting launcher design.
James - In the UK. Some basic launcher/rocket building instructions, plus several good videos, including some onboard.
Lonnie Engbrecht
NASA's Beginner's Guide to Rockets - A good place to start; includes some math, thermodynamics, gas dynamics, aerodynamics, propulsion theory, etc.
NPL Water Rocket Challenge - An annual competition that takes place in England at the National Physics Laboratory.
October Sky Skunk Works - The bleeding edge of water rocketry. A fairly basic site with only a couple of rockets, but several fairly amusing 'mishaps' involving firing an FTC rocket into sheet rock and launching with kerosene... kids, don't try it at home.
Paul Grosse - In England, with an excellent downloadable simulator. This website is one of the best on the web. It talks about many different launchers, recovery mechanisms, and has some on-board videos
Ragna-Rockets - This site by Herve Bregent is in English and French and contains several ideas which are not well documented on other sites.
Randy Culp - A highly recommended site for equations relating to model rocketry (specifically for pyrotechnic rockets, but some are still applicable to water rocketry). E.g. rocket flight equations, Barrowman equations, parachute descent calculations, thrust and mass studies, etc.
Robert Youens - Former altitude record holder; doesn't appear to be active anymore (unfortunately). Builds rockets using FTC (Fluorescent light-tube cover).
Rodrigo Maia
Simetric - Metric Conversion Tables to or from Imperial Measurements
Steve Jahr
SuperRoc Rocket Glider - This web page was written by Robert and Peter Alway, and discusses backgliding as a recovery system. Very well written with good theory about backgliding.
Taiwanese Manned Water Rocket Launch - Very impressive result, definitely worth watching.
Thai Water Rocket Page - Mostly in Thai unfortunately, but has some excellent pictures, and a nice handheld launcher.
The Bigfoot Water Rocket Launcher Systems - The Bigfoot Water Rocket Launcher and modified Goldenrod 140 pumpn are available for purchase here and you can also find a lot of water rocketry ideas/information.
The Coanda Effect
The Mad Rocket Scientist Water Rocket Pages - Has details of several deployment systems, including the swinging-weight design (not yet proven to work).
The Water Rocket Annex (Dave Johnson) is basically a compilation of useful information about many aspects of the hobby. Also home of the creator of the air-speed flap (parachute deployment system).
The Water Rocket Explorer - A site made by three people based somewhere in France (but the site is in English).
The Water Rocket Garage (Bruce Berggren) is an excellent resource for information. It has instructions for a staging mechanism, and also diagrams of the Millenium rockets (which once held the world record at 1060 feet).
The Water Rocket Mailing List - If you have something you want to discuss with the experts, this is the place to go.
Tim Sumrall - Has a useful collection of links and plenty of information about his own projects, including casting convergent-divergent (cd) nozzles.
TOR Water Rockets - The home of Irish water rockets; has good pictures and information about his projects, including his 'Red Pipe' rocket.
Ulrich Hornstein - In Germany, this site has a lot of information including backgliding/sidegliding as a recovery system.
Urie's Water Rockets - Had great success and some impressive launches with FTC rockets.
Video (slow motion) of a launch with a t-nozzle.
Zuni On-board Video - On-board video from the launch of a Zuni in Australia (20kg payload, apogee of ~5-6km in ~30 seconds, max. acceleration of 55 G's and max. speed of 491 m/s (Mach 1.4)).