
Selasa, 28 September 2010

Water Rockets! East Texas Active Deployment System

special thanks to the author for this good article

This system deployed 4 out of 4 times, including on one seriously arced flight path. It was very windy, which hampered evaluation of some aspects of the system. One question is, does the weight imbalance cause instability? Since I had to launch into the wind (launcher angled) it could have masked a tendency to veer in the direction of the weighted side. If so, a fixed balancing weight could be added to the other side of the rocket. Version two of this system will be inside the rocket, which will help locate the weight close to the center. I will test this same system mounted on a 6 liter rocket Sunday as many times as I can to gain more experience with it.

This was a mock-up, that became a prototype, and then was put into use as test one. It needs to be rebuilt and refined, made lighter in weight, and adapted to other size rockets. I am repairing this model tonight for more flights Sunday. I am going to put it on a 6 liter rocket to see if it works up high as well as it did at 250 ft. or so. The Fritos can is just a holder.

This is the keyhole. The shape of it will control when the system activates. It is a Fuji 35mm film can, cut down and PLP glued in place.

1. Launch position

2. Activation at this angle

This pic shows the shaft, horizontal across the body. The lever and weight actuator are on the left, release pin and trigger on right.

The shaft, crossbar and pin. The shaft is a piece of styrene, like a model parts "tree", the crossbar and pin are paper clip material. The 35mm film can lid locates the shaft and allows easy removal of the mechanism for adjusting. The spring acts to retract the shaft and pin.

3. Pin retracted, rubber band web pushing nosecone up.

4. Rubber band pulling nosecone off to one side, accordian folded trash bin liner parachute springing out.

5. Deployment!

This pic shows the weight and lever actuator.

At launch this is vertical, as the rocket turns over (aided by the weight itself) the weight remains in place as the rocket body rotates around it. When the rocket reaches 35 to 40 degrees right or left of vertical, the shaft has rotated enough to retract. This is tunable by the sizing of the keyhole.

A view of, from left, the lever arm and weight, the spring retainer and spring, the 35mm lid, the crossbar, and the pin. This is in the retracted position, after apogee.

In pictures 3 and 4 to the left, you can see the lips or flanges that allow the nose cone to be secure on the rocket at launch without danger of being jammed at apogee. The lower lip is the rim of a margarine tub, I got the idea for that from one of the Web Ring pages, the upper flange that mates with the lower one ifs cut from a 32 oz. "big gulp" type plastic cup the local convienence store had. Thanks to Bob "Rocket" Brown for noticing that it fit my guppy nosecone so nicely.

Also visible is the Frito can lid that I glued in the top of the sleeve, just above the film can, to act as a bulkhead and parachute platform. The parachute is attached to this with a swivel.

This pic shows the inside of the nosecone, the trigger, and the web of rubber bands. A couple of important points:

The trigger is a piece of cable tie ground smooth on both sides.

I put a liner sheet cut from a trash bin over the chute to keep it from getting caught in the web of bands.

The white section fro mthe Big Gulp cup is very important, because when you cut the guppy nosecone from the 2 liter bottle, the edge of it is flimsy and will not locate on the rocket correctley. It also tends to pinch and create friction possibly preventing seperation. The relationship between the margarine tub lips and the big gulp rim is a nice "loosely tight" fit.

Testing Sunday, June 25

I eagerly anticipated several hours of glorious rocket launching today. The new parachute system was mounted on a 6 liter body and ready to go. I filled the rocket, pressurized it to 100 PSI, and launched. It went 10 feet in the air, rolled over and smashed into the ground! WHAT? Here's what I think happened: I was using a hose connecting the launcher to a faucet to fill the rocket on the launcher. I remember filling it to approx. 35% and pressurizing. I forgot that when you fill the rocket on the launcher, the air pushes the water that is in the launcher into the rocket too. Since I have a 36" stand pipe and about 24" of tubing in the launcher, that is a lot of extra water. So a stupidly classic overfill and the parachute system is wasted! Oh well, on to the next revision . . .

Pertandingan Teknologi Pelancaran Roket Peringkat Parlimen Pagoh

Salam 1 M'sia

Maklumat terkini : Pertandingan Teknologi Pelancaran Roket Peringkat Parlimen Pagoh akan di adakan selepas peperiksaan akhir tahun iaitu pada 10/11/2010 bertempat di SMK Felcra Bukit Kepong (kalau tak silap...nanti cg sah kan semula)

3 Kategori roket akan dipertandingkan iaitu
a) Roket sasaran (30%)
b) Roket paracut (30%)
c) Roket payload (40%)

Cg akan upload kan syarat2 pertandingan sedikit masa lagi untuk rujukan pelajar2 sekolah menengah yang berada di dalam kawasan Parlimen pagoh. Kepada sekolah2 yang akan mengambil bahagian boleh membuat persediaan daripada sekarang. Jumpa semasa pertandingan nanti...... 

Isnin, 20 September 2010

Pertandingan Teknologi Pelancaran Roket Peringkat Pagoh

Maklumat terkini, pertandingan teknologi pelancaran roket peringkat perlimen pagoh akan di adakan sedikit masa lagi. Kepada sekolah2 menengah dalam parlimen pagoh sila bersedia untuk pertandingan tersebut. Saya akan maklumkan semula tarikh tersebut bila pertandingan akan di adakan. terima kasih

Jumaat, 17 September 2010

Selamat Kembali Semula Ke Sekolah

Assalamaualaikum & Salam Satu Malaysia.

Saya ucapkan selamat kembali semula ke sekolah kepada semua pelajar. Bagi pelajar2 ting 3 dan 5 selamat menduduki peperiksaan PMR dan SPM yang tak berapa lama lagi....

Rabu, 8 September 2010

Experimental Design Diagrams

Name: Alex, Josie, and Kendra HR: 7

Bottle Rockets...

The Distance the Rocket goes Depends on The Amount of Water

Amount of Water (cups)Distance of Rocket (in meters)
Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3AVERAGE Distance (m)
1 (Controlled)46424544.3

Source: Kendra, Alex, and Josie May 2009

If we have more water, then it will go the farthest, because it will have more pressure and more weight.

A. List 5 controlled variables.

The rocket, the type of launch pad, the angle of the launch, the amount of water in the nose cone (1 cup), the time, the number of wings (4)...

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: Amount of water in the bottom/body of rocket

DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Distance of rocket.


1. Make the rocket.

2. Change amount of water in the body and record.

3. See if hypothesis is correct.

Write a one sentence summary of your experiment results here: Our hypothesis was partially correct. I think there were many errors with the wind but more water makes it go farther.

Selasa, 7 September 2010

The Effect of Fin Area and Amount vs. Altitude of Water Rocket

Special thanks to the author for this experiment.....


The purpose of this experiment was to determine if the area of the fins and the number of fins would affect a rocket’s performance or altitude, which the rocket reached. I became interested in this idea while pondering if number of fins would affect the altitude of rockets that I launch, I also enjoy rocketry and thought it would be fun to put my question to the test. The information gained from this experiment can lead scientists and rocketers alike to make aerodynamic fins and to increase the performance of rockets without adding more fuel or using a larger engine.


My first hypothesis was that the rocket that contains 3 fins with a small surface area would reach the highest altitude. I based my hypothesis on information and data gathered from the Handbook of Model Rocketry and World Book Encyclopedia that summarizes that drag should be reduced by surface area.

My second hypothesis was that the rocket situated with 5 large fins would have the lowest altitude. I based my hypothesis on information and data gathered from the Handbook of Model Rocketry and World Book Encyclopedia that summarizes that drag should be reduced by surface area.


The constants in this study were:

* The type of rocket used

* The size of the pop bottle

* The shape of the pop bottle

* The volume of the pop bottle

* The amount of water in the pop bottle

* The pressure inside the pop bottle

* The shape of the rocket

* The recovery device

* The shape of the rocket’s nose cone

* The height of the rocket

* The width of the rocket

* The weight of the rocket (may change a little due to number and size of fins)

* The same launcher

* The same launch pad

* The same launch device

* The same weather conditions

* The shape of the fins so the fins are proportional

* The airfoil of the fins (Square shaped airfoil)

The manipulated variable was the number of fins (3, 4, and 5) and the area of the fins.

The responding variable was the altitude of which the rocket reached at apogee. To measure the responding variable, Estes, Alti-trak was used to measure the altitude of the rocket at apogee in meters.

Below is a table of the different treatments.

3, small fins 4, small fins 5, small fins

3, medium fins 4, medium fins 5, medium fins

3, large fins 4, large fins 5, large fins



1 Pitsco pop bottle Water Rocket

N/A Water

1 Pitsco launcher

1 Sheet of 1/16" by 3" by 36" Balsa wood

1 Sheet of 1/16" by 6" by 36" Balsa wood

1 Estes Altitrak (a rocket altitude measuring device)

1 X-Acto Knife

1 Cool Melt Glue Gun

1 Bottle of White or yellow Glue

1 Tube of plastic cement

N/A Sand paper

1 Pitsco Pressure pump


1. The first step is to construct the rocket you are using, but don’t add any fins yet. Mark on the rocket where the 3, 4, and 5 different fins will be (use one mark for a central point for the other marks). Then I labeled them as follows:

The 3 fins marks are A, B, and C these fins are spaced 120 degrees apart

The 4 fins marks are C1, C2, C3, and C4 these fins are spaced 90 degrees apart

The 5 fins marks are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and these fins are spaced 72 degrees apart.

Construction Tip: for porous materials like paper, cardboard, and balsa wood put glue on the material then let it sit for a while to let the glue sink into the pours. Then put on more glue and fit the pieces together.

2. The next step is to make a template of the different fins you are using. You can make the templates by cutting out cardboard that is the same sizes as the fins.

3. The next step is to trace an outline of the fins on the sheet balsa wood with the templates. The fins can be any shape you want, but make sure all fins are the same size and proportional. I used a trapezoid shaped fin.

4. Then cut out the fins with an X-Acto Knife.

5. Next take the fins of the same size and hold them even in your hand. Sand all edges (not the sides) so the rough edge is removed and all of the fins are the same precise size. Caution: Don’t sand the fins too much because you will change their size the more you sand them.

6. Next step is to glue on 5, large fins to the rocket with the cool melt glue gun. Construction Tip: Use the glue sparingly because you want to easily remove the fins from the rocket to put on new fins.

7. Now launch the rocket 3 times and record the data. Note: Follow instructions provided with the kit on how to launch the rocket. Note: Use the exact same amount of water for each launch.

8. Cut off the fins of the rocket with the X-Acto Knife and sand the root where the fin was glued so that the body tube was like nothing was ever glued to it.

9. Repeat steps 7-9 for all of the fins and make sure the weather conditions are approximately the same for all launches.


The original purpose of this experiment was to determine if the difference in the area and number of fins would change the altitude of the rocket. The results of the experiment were the rocket with 4 medium fins had the highest average altitude and the rocket with 5 large fins had the lowest average altitude.


My first hypothesis was that the rocket that contains 3 fins with a small surface area would reach the highest altitude. The results indicate that this hypothesis should be rejected. My second hypothesis was that the rocket situated with 5 large fins would have the lowest altitude. The results indicate that this hypothesis should be accepted. Because of the results of this experiment, I wonder if the reason the rockets that had 3 fins and the rocket that had 4 small fins didn’t go higher than the rocket with 4 medium fins is because the area didn’t matter from that point on and the stability of them wasn’t as good as the rocket with 4 medium fins.

If I were to conduct this project again I would have more trials for more accurate data, I would try to find a better and more accurate way to measure the altitude, and then if I find a better way to find the altitude I could use solid fuel rockets.

Research Report


A rocket is an engine that is used to propel a vehicle at an extremely fast speed. A rocket engine the same size as a medium sized automobile engine will produce almost three thousand times the power. Rockets can range from just a couple feet tall (61 centimeters) to almost 380 feet (115 meters). Rockets are called chemical rockets if they burn fuel to produce their power. There are some experiments with rockets that use heat to make their fuel expand causing thrust. Although chemical rockets do burn fuel rapidly they produce an extremely large amount of thrust. The Saturn 5 rocket engine used 1,018,181.8 gallons (3,853,100 liters) of fuel to power itself for just five minutes. The temperature in some rockets can reach 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit (3316 degrees Celsius) or more!

The main purposes for which people use rockets today are research, space travel, and military strikes with warheads. Ancient civilizations used rockets with explosives attached to blow up enemy encampments. Rockets lately have been used for researching space as well as to transport warheads on military missiles. The use of rockets for exploration and research has been during only the past 50 years and has opened a new window for exploring space. The satellites that rockets carry into space can take pictures, record data of the universe, and track weather.

Rockets work on one of Newton’s laws, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". In this case rockets burn a special fuel in a combustion chamber and create pressure that has only one direction to go. This direction of the pressure is out of the nozzle on the bottom of the rocket, the great pressure of the rapidly expanding gas causes an action of pressure on the ground. The opposite action is the rocket moving in the opposite direction. Some experiments have been tried with other rockets powered by nuclear power, but researchers have found that this doesn’t provide as much energy. Some small rockets used for recreation also use-pressurized air and water in a sealed compartment.

Model Rocket

Model rockets are the counterparts of full size rockets. These small rockets are mainly used for research and recreation. They are a lot cheaper than the rockets at Cape Canaveral and they only weigh 31/2 pounds (1.5 kilograms) or less. These rockets are only about 8-24inches (20-40 centimeters). All model rocket engines use solid fuel (or water and air pressure on water rockets.) Model rockets can reach 2000 feet (610 meters) in altitude in a few seconds because the rockets can travel at speeds of 300 mph (480 kph).


Aerodynamics is the study of how forces act on an object as it moves trough a fluid. Aerodynamic forces act on airplanes, sailboats, motorboats, submarines, cars, rockets, busses, and anything that moves through a liquid or gas. Scientists and engineers study these aerodynamic forces for a way to prevent them from hindering the performance (affecting the best operation) of the machine (like oil lubricates gears so there is less friction). These aerodynamic forces affect the movement of the object in many ways and how fast it can travel. The Wright Brothers had to understand aerodynamics before they could succeed in building the first aircraft. Today aircraft manufacturers use the same principles to make their aircraft fly the fastest with the cheapest engine. These principles also affect engineers and architects and the structures that they design with the way the air flows around a building or bridge.

Drag is the main force that affects moving objects. This force resists movement of objects in motion. The shape of the object influences the amount of drag. Although drag cannot be eliminated it can be reduced. Objects shaped to produce the littlest amount of drag possible are called a streamlined or aerodynamically clean object. Aircraft designers design planes that produce the least amount of drag possible because planes with low drag need less engine power to fly at the same speed. Automobiles, trucks, planes, trains, rockets, boats and all other vehicles in motion encounter or are affected by drag. There are two types of drag that exist that affect all moving objects, friction drag and form drag. There is a third type of drag called induced drag, but it only affects objects that create lift. There is still another drag that affects aircraft and other objects going faster than the speed of sound.

Friction drag occurs next to the surface of an object and is produced in a thin layer of air called the boundary layer. The friction results when one layer of fluid slides over another layer of fluid. Molecules of air in the boundary layer either have an ordinary path parallel to the surface or an irregular path. Engineers call an ordinary path laminar flow and an irregular path turbulent flow. A turbulent flow increases friction drag. The boundary layer usually has a laminar flow, but the airflow can become turbulent at some point as the air moves along the abject. Aircraft designers try to delay the change of laminar flow to turbulent flow for as long as possible to reduce the friction drag.

Form drag occurs when the airflow past an object breaks away from the object. This type of drag produces swirling eddies that takes energy from an object that slows it down. Form drag occurs with non-streamlined objects like a large semi truck at a high speed. The driver may experience a rough ride due to the eddies from the non-streamlined truck. To stop this occurring to aircraft, which need to fly fast, airline companies put vortex generators on an airplane’s wing, which keep the boundary layer from breaking away from the wing. They are small devices that are shaped like airfoils that stick up along the top of the main wing in rows. The vortex generators produce small disturbances in the boundary layer that keeps the air from breaking away.


Cliff, Eugene M. "Rocket," World Book Encyclopedia. 1999. Volume R, #16. Pg. 384-391

Estes Industries "Beginners Guide to Model Rocketry"

Heimber, Charles H. and Price, Jack. Focus on Physical Science. Merrill Publishing Company 1987. Pg. 12-27

Miller, Patrick J. "Rocket, Model," World Book Encyclopedia. 1999. Volume R, #16. Pg. 391-393

Platkin, Allen. "Aerodynamics," World Book Encyclopedia. 1999. Volume A, #1. Pg. 85-88

Stine, G. Harry. Handbook of Model Rocketry. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1994. Pg. 2-9



This science project couldn’t have been possible without the help and assistance of several people. I would like to thank and acknowledge each of them for their help.

My father for devoting lots of time and effort even though I procrastinated he still helped me to the finish.

My mother for helping me to right my journal and give me support.

Mr. Kenneth Newkirk for not only helping me, but the rest of the class in completing their science projects, even when he had more important things to do.


Selamat Menyambut hari Raya AidilFitri

Kepada peminat2 roket air, saya mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya aidil fitri yang bakal tiba nanti. Saya sekarang sedang bercuti di Terengganu sehingga 16/9. Sebarang tempahan pelancar roket air hanya dapat disiapkan/dihantar selepas tarikh tersebut.

harap maklum..

Isnin, 6 September 2010

Power point slide show

Satu penerangan yang menarik dari 'Quasar the Areo Club' berkaitan dengan teori penerbangan dan roket air sila klik pautan di bawah untuk memuat turun dan mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut

Power point slide show


Ahad, 5 September 2010

Double Rocket

Double Rocket

The first advanced project is a double pressure chamber. This double rocket is a 3-liter pressure chamber. Two 1.5 liter bottles are joined by a small tyre valve rod. I found several versions of these plans online, but the best, and I suppose the original plans should be credited as "The Robinson Coupling". The hardest part of this project is sealing the joint where the couple is located. The air pressure inside the container needs to hold at 60 -100 psi. I still looking the best sealent/glue that can be used to avoid air from coming out from the the joint where the couple is located. So far I have found that Sally glue (can get from GIANT store) is flexible and strong enough to hold the seal. Be patient, the adhesive needs at least 24 hours to cure. Don't pressure test until then. But that glue still cannot hold the pressure up to 100 psi. I still looking the suitable glue to solve this problem.

The coupler can be made one of two ways. Either by joining bottom to bottom, or bottom to top. I will describe the joining bottom to top because it is easy to do it compare the joining bottom to bottom.


(1) Tyre valve

(3) Nuts

(2) rubber Washers (can made from bicycle tube)

(1) 1.5 liter bottle cap

Teflon tape

Building the "Valve Coupler"

Start by carefully drilling a small hole in the bottom of the 2-liter pressure chamber and the bottle cap. The tyre valve should just barely fit into the holes. Be careful not to remove the blue plastic gasket at the bottom of the bottle cap. (It will help seal the joint in the end.) Dry fit all parts to make sure it will work before you go any further.

Wrap the tyre valve with a couple layers of Teflon tape. Thread one of the hex nuts onto the stem of the tyre valve until you get to the half way point. Set aside.

Carefully push the first rubber washer(can made from bicycle tube) into the neck of the main pressure chamber. You will need to use a socket and wrench with one or two socket extensions to reach the bottom of the bottle. Balance a nut and the washer on the head of the socket and place the threaded tyre valve into the hole from the top down. With the skill of a surgeon, drive the nut and washer onto the rod. Tighten with a wrench on the outside surface. (At his point you could add a small dab of Sally glue to seal.

It will be necessary to shave down the second rubber washer to fit inside the bottle cap. The second bottle must be able to screw into the cap all the way down to the gasket. Sometimes the washer sticks out too much. Apply the washer and the nut and test fit the second bottle to make sure it seats well. If the second bottle sits crooked, then it is hitting the washer. Remove assembly and shave the washer again. Once you have the right fit, tighten the entire assembly.